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    The more you read into this review, you'll realize that my title was indeed meant to be in a sarcastic voice. I'm simply going to give this hellhole the review it deserves, nothing more, nothing less. I will begin with the only two things I can say about this "school." (1) A few teachers were actually decent, with a good approach to the subject they taught. There was one math teacher who was constantly interrupted by other students challenging him to a physical altercation, which actually would take place in the classroom. (2) The lunch was not bad either. Pizza was very good, as well as chicken. Just one thing I couldn't get used to, tomatoes and rice, which is why I'm glad that there was pizza as an alternative. I'm accustomed to southern tradition having grown up down here, but had never heard of that, even though I'm sure it is a common thing. On the flip side, Allendale will always be ingrained in (what's left of) my memory as the absolute worst town I am embarrassed to say I lived in. The school system could be recognized as the most embarrassing aspect of the town of Allendale. When I moved there in December of 2003, I had never experienced such racial tension back home in Georgia, so you could say I had extreme difficulty adjusting to this environment. One day riding the bus home from school, I was physically attacked for no apparent reason, other than a few people didn't like the fact that I sat in the back of the bus. (can't expect much else of a valid reason from the mind state of these "people"). As a final act of complete disrespect for another, I had a glass bottle thrown at me out of a bus window as I stumbled towards my house, but it missed. If I had chosen to react to this display of inhumanity (being a non violent person, I did not). I would not have been able to. I felt definite symptoms of a concussion, including dizziness, headache, as I was struck with such a force in the back of the head. These days, my short term memory seems to be affected as a result. Thanks a lot, Allendale Fairfax High school. I learned after the incident I was involved in, that another student (you guessed it - caucasian/white) had lost his life due to some similar senseless act of violence. If you have your mind made up that I am fabricating this story, well, then so be it. But ask around about the poor soul who did not even live to see another day. They might even find some way to beat around on that one, just to protect themselves, so good luck getting any details. Don't even get me started on one of their former principals. With the exception of a daily morning announcement on the intercom, he was practically useless. These long speeches would only happen whenever something took place on campus that shouldn't have, i.e. smoking in the bathrooms. These occurrences were quite frequent. The textbooks in this "school" were severely outdated, in regards to the reading level they were on. Somewhere around 6th grade, as far as I remember, and this is a high school we're talking about. 9th through 12th grades. No excuse for something like that whatsoever. Now, onto writing a review about Allendale Adult Education, my next stop after AFHS.
    By A Google User, May 23, 2017

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